Film Poster Project

Film Poster Project

Film Project


my classmates and I were tasked with creating a movie poster for the film “Fracking the System” by Brian Hedden. We had to use insight from the movie and our own elements to come up with a sophisticated movie poster.


My concept has to do with the school shown in the film that was directly next to a fracking site. So I created a school and put a big fracking site behind it to show the significance of fracking on children and school. I added other little elements such as students walking and color graded it to give it a cold but bold feel.

Rough Draft

Here is the difference in the draft that I created compared to the final. The first one represented the film but was to broad in the content. While the second one more directly represents the film. Design wise the mood in the second is different as the first one is bright and the final is darker.

Final Design

After much trial and error I thought it was best to create a darker theme because the movie is not about good things. Secondly I made sure that the oil rig looked realistic and adjusted shadows and lighting to fit the children.